A series of fun family activities.

Welcome back to the Burton Art Gallery, we’ve missed you!

We are so pleased to be able to invite you through our doors again and hope that our new exhibitions will encourage you to ‘Stay Curious’ and inspire you to be creative.

We’ve put together some activities we think you might enjoy doing with your family and friends.

Remember to share your creations with us by email or social media.

Design your own Coat of Arms

Back in the days of knights and dragons (Well maybe not dragons) knights used to display their family coat of arms on their shields and banners, so that people could tell which knight was which with their armour on.

Click the button below to learn about the Heraldic code (The rules they had to follow in designing their arms) and to find a ready-made template.

We’d love to see your finished design, so please feel free to share it with us via social media or by email

Design your own Emblem

Karoline Rerrie designed an emblem for our museum. We thought you may like to have a go at designing your own. You could include drawings of your family, your hobbies, pets, favourite book characters, and even your favourite food. Anything goes!

Click the button below to find a template for your very own emblem.

We’d love to see your finished design, so please feel free to share it with us via social media or email

Woodlands, Wastelands and Waterways-Lucy McLauchlan

We do hope you have been able to visit our exhibition by artist Lucy McLauchlan to see the striking, textured paintings and prints she has made in response to being in different outdoor environments.

Click here to see some images of her work as well as some ideas for your own outdoor art.

We’d love to see your own ‘environmental art’, maybe you could take photos as you work, and keep a photographic record over time, to see how your work changes in different weathers.

Please feel free to share your work with us via social media or by email