Multicoloured cotton thread

Tuesdays during term time

Sewing Bee

FREE drop-in sewing group

1pm-3pm | FREE

Image credit: Gustavo Fring via Canva/Pexels

The Sewing Bee is an informal weekly drop-in group for anyone who likes to sew!

Bring your own project and materials so you can stitch alongside other makers whilst learning from each other and sharing ideas. There’s no tutor and it’s not a class, but there will be someone on hand if you need help or guidance.

Sewing Bees used to be very popular in the age before technology; women used to come together to sew and socialise (sewcialise!) so this is what we’re trying to recreate. There is plenty of room for everyone who is hand-sewing, so there is no need to book, just turn up and sew!

There is space for five sewing machines, so booking is advised if you’d like to bring your machine along. * Please note, all electric machines used in the building must be PAT tested.

Sessions run on Tuesday afternoons during term time from 1pm-3pm.

It is free to attend.

To book a spot to use your sewing machine, please e-mail